Browse Collections (19 total)
Fitzpatrick-Postma Postcards

This collection is comprised of postcards collected by Lawrence, Kansas, residents Charline Fitzpatrick and her daughter Sally Postma. The collection…
Contributors: Postma, Sally, Carttar, Rosalea, Carttar, Peter
Douglas County Genealogical Society

This collection is comprised of the publications of the Douglas County Genealogical Society, including issues of The Pioneer (the quarterly newsletter…
Watkins Museum of History - Lawrence Disaster Images

Collective images of natural disasters that have struck Douglas County and the City of Lawrence. Displaying images of a century of floods, tornadoes,…
City of Lawrence Fair Housing Ordinance 50th Anniversary Oral History Project

On July 18, 1967, Lawrence mayor Richard Raney signed into law Ordinance 3749, which provided fair housing protections to the citizens of Lawrence and…
History of the Lawrence Public Library

Resources related to the history of the Lawrence Public Library in Lawrence, Kansas.
You Are Local History Community Digitization Project

The You Are Local History community digitization project aimed to collect and digitize objects that tell stories about Lawrence, in order to create a…
North Lawrence Improvement Association

Bylaws, correspondence, minutes, and newsletters from the North Lawrence Improvement Association.
Boyle, Ted
Hoch, Tony
Brook Creek Neighborhood Association

Bylaws, minutes, newsletters, correspondence, and survey for what is now known as the Brook Creek Neighborhood Association, plus the Far East…
Contributors: Hoch, Tony
East Lawrence Neighborhood Association

Bylaws, correspondence, minutes, East Lawrence Neighborhood Revitalization Plan, and newsletters from East Lawrence, Kansas.
Collison, Phil
Hoch, Tony
Pinckney Neighborhood Association

Bylaws, correspondence, newsletters and minutes from the Pinckney Neighborhood Association in Lawrence, Kansas.
Contributors: Hoch, Tony
Oread Neighborhood Association

Bylaws and minutes from the Oread Neighborhood Association in Lawrence, Kansas.
Contributors: Hoch, Tony
Kansas Veterans of World War II Oral History Project / Lawrence Remembers the World War II Years Project
In 2003, the Lawrence Public Library partnered with the Dole Institute of Politics and Haskell University to capture the histories of Douglas County’s…
La Yarda Oral History Project

La Yarda was a neighborhood of worker housing provided by the Santa Fe Railroad for Mexican-American railroad workers in Lawrence, Kansas; located…
Obituary Indexes
The Lawrence Public Library began collecting a web archive of obituaries published by newspapers and funeral homes in and near Douglas County, Kansas,…

This collection contains yearbooks from public schools in Lawrence, Kansas.
Telephone Directories

This collection contains telephone directories for Lawrence (Kan.), published between 1933 and 1954.
Mortuary Books

This collection includes the mortuary records of funeral homes Schubert Mortuary and Funk Mortuary in Lawrence (Kan.). The records span 1912 to 1924.
The Day After
The Day After, a made-for-TV movie depicting the aftermath of nuclear war, was set and filmed primarily in Lawrence, Kansas, and was broadcast for the…