Browse Items (1552 total)
A photograph of the interior of the new building of the Lawrence Public Library. The image shows the entrance hall where two display cases stand. Behind one of the display cases, two women stand in conversation.
A photograph showing a patron talking to two librarians in the reference desk. In the background are the stacks.
A librarian holds story time in the expanded children's room of the new libary. In the background the stacks are visible, decorated in a Halloween theme
A photograph of the launching of the online catalog. On the foreground is a man wearing a t-shirt that reads on the back, "We're Online!" and shows a catalog entry for a Langston Hughes book. On the background is Bruce Flanders, library director at…
A photograph of the Griswold residence, where Dr. J.F. Griswold, Josiah Trask, Mr. Thorpe, and Harlow W. Baker were killed during Quantrill's Raid in 1863. The house survived the burning of the town. Allegedly, some men were sent to set fire to the…
A photograph of children sitting in front of a [book computer??]. One little girl reads the book while another girl listens with headphones.
A photograph of a young girl reading Green Eggs and Ham on a [book computer].
A photograph of a display by the front desk of the library of a reproduced triceratops skull. On the right of the picture, a young girl reaches out to touch it.
A photograph of J.S. Boughton's printing office, established in 1879 and passed on to his youngest son Sydney Boughton in 1905. The image shows two young men working among the machinery. The one on the left, perhaps Paul Boughton, is binding a…
A portrait of James Stanley Emery (1826-1899), who played a part in founding the Kansas Atheneum. The photograph shows him aged 60 to 70 in a dark suit and spiffy bowtie.
A portrait of Joseph S. Boughton, who founded the first library in Lawrence. The photograph shows him at approximately 50 to 65 years of age, wearing a dark, pinstriped suit and a medal of the Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was a member as…
A photograph of Peter Emery, who played a large part in securing a Carnegie grant for the construction of a new library building. The photograph shows him aged 55 to 70 wearing a fur hat and a light gray suit with a dark gray waistcoat and tie.
A photograph of a program at the children's department. There is a line of children holding puppets in front of a puppet theater, and a group of children seated in chairs facing them.
The photograph shows a young woman reading to children in the basement children's department of the Carnegie Library.
A photograph of a young boy searching through the card catalog at the children's department in the basement of the Carnegie Library.
A photograph of two women standing in front of the Lawrence Public Library Bookmobile.
A photograph of an architectural model of the Lawrence Public Library. The model shows the proposed library, a large one-story rectangular building with a flat roof. Its design features are typical of the New Formalism popular in the 1970s. The…
A photograph of a woman reading to two children in the stacks of the Lawrence Public Library.
A photograph of the checkout desk of the New Library. A computer sits on the desk announcing due dates for books and in the background are the stacks.
A mother with two young daughters look through the library stacks in search of books.
A photograph of the media room of the Lawrence Public Library. Visible are several shelves holding CDs, DVDs, and VHS tapes organized by genre.
A photograph of the home of George A. Banks, where Helen M. Griswold moved with her Daughter Nellie Griswold after her marriage to George Banks. It was later residence to Nellie Griswold Beatty and her son Jerome Griswold Beatty.
A typewritten bio on Nellie Griswold Beatty, head librarian of the Lawrence Public Library. The bio summarizes her early life as well as her work in the library, and was evidently written before she retired in 1918.
Pictures from the Lawrence Public Library's bazaar display.
Postcard with a sepia photograph of Massachusetts Street on the front. Photograph is looking north down Massachusetts Street from Eighth Street, Merchants Bank can is on the first corner of the right side. At the top of the photograph "Lawrence,…
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