Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1943 containing activities, library's clubs, accessions, and circulation statistics. 350 children completed the summer reading course. A collection of Native American relics was exhibited in…
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1923 containing activities like informational meetings, library's clubs, accessions, and circulation statistics. The report mentions grade schools using the library collection to supplement…
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1915. The document contains a register of board members and staff. Includes financial information like donations and accessions for the year and treasurer and librarian reports.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1914. Contains a list of board members and staff. The report includes financial information like donations and accessions for the year and treasurer and librarian reports.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1913 naming members of the board and staff. The document contains financial information like donations and accessions for the year. Treasurer and librarian reports are included.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1912 naming members of the board and staff. The document contains financial and book statements for the year. Treasurer and librarian reports are included.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1911 naming members of the board and staff. The document contains financial and accessions for the year. Treasurer, librarian, and public reports are included.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1910 naming members of the board and staff. The document contains financial statements and accessions for the year. Treasurer and librarian documents are included.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1909 naming members of the board and staff. The document contains financial information and accessions for the year. Treasurer and librarian reports are included.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1908 naming members of the board and staff. The document contains financial statements and accessions for the year. Treasurer, librarian, and public reports are included.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1907 naming members of the board and staff. The document contains financial statements and accessions for the year. Treasurer, librarian, and circulation reports are included.
Annual report of Lawrence Public Free Library for the year 1906 naming members of the board and staff. The document contains financial statements and accessions for the year. Treasurer, librarian, and public reports are included.
An article announcing that the Lawrence Public Library got a a new children's room. The article describes the new programs aimed at serving the children of the community
An article recounting the death of J.S. Boughton from a sudden stroke at the age of 67. According to the article, his death was sudden and unexpected. He was in normal health when he suffered from the attack in his office and died immediately.
An article in the Lawrence Daily Journal-World reporting on an additional grant requested of Andrew Carnegie for necessary library renovations. The library requested $15,000 to make additions to the building as well as updates to the interior to…
Opinion piece on the costs and benefits of accepting the conditions of the Carnegie grant for a new library building, namely that the city set aside an amount equaling 10% of the grant for the funding of the library. The article reports on the…
An article in the Lawrence Daily Journal announcing that the library is once again open to the public after being closed for a week for cleaning and cataloguing. The article mentions the newly published Catalogue of the City Library and…
An article in the Lawrence Daily Journal reporting that the library is moving to first-floor rooms in the Lawrence National Bank building, 647 Massachussetts Street. The article mentions then-librarian Rhoda Trask and recent events in Leavenworth.
A short announcement in the Lawrence Daily Journal of the marriage of George A. Banks to Librarian and Quantrill's Raid widow Helen M. Griswold. The article offers a short description of Mr. and Mrs. Banks and their standing in the town.