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A transcription of the 1875 census of Douglas County, Kansas, which was part of the larger Kansas state census. The transcription was created by members of the Douglas County Genealogical Society and published in 1985.
1976.1023 Photo shows two displaced frame buildings surrounded by rubble, branches and other debris. Caption: "1903 flood" and "North Lawrence" are both written in ink.
1976.1023 Photo shows two displaced frame buildings surrounded by rubble, branches and other debris. Caption: "1903 flood" and "North Lawrence" are both written in ink.
1976.1031 View across Kaw river floodwaters toward north Lawrence; taken from riverbank just west of 6th St. bridge. Union Pacific Railroad station visible just beyond washed-out north end of bridge.
1976.1348 Flood looking west from the Union Pacific Depot
1976.1349 Flood at the Union Pacific Depot in North Lawrence.
1976.1475Image of bridge over Kansas River showing 4 spans with iron framework. River at flood stage, North end of bridge missing.
Flood waters of the Kaw River innundating North Lawrence. Picture taken from south shore shows bridge with north approach under water as entire area to the bluff. Otto Flotto Shows (circus) billboard in left foreground shows date, May 27. Picture by…
Picture of devastation of Bowersock Mill as result of 1903 flood of Kaw River.
1978.165.023 A snapshot of the 1903 Kansas River flood showing G.A. (Dolly) Graeber in his boat with three other men. The boat is near land or dock on which two men in hats & overcoats are standing.
1978.165.024 A snapshot showing three boats, two of which are loaded with people and/or household goods at a landing. Caption on the back identifies the scene as the foot of Rhode Island Street in the 1903 Flood.
1978.165.026Snapshot of a pile driver which has begun rebuilding the north end of the Kansas River Bridge after the 1903 flood. Tower on the Union Pacific Depot is visible to the right.
1983.222.298m A photo of the aftermath of the 1903 flood in north Lawrence. Two people can be seen walking towards the camera and several damaged buildings, including a Drug Store can be seen.
Photo of Kaw River flood of 1903 with bridge ending in the middle of it. Several persons in foreground.
1985.168.049Street scene in north Lawrence after the 1903 flood. It shows damaged stores, piles of lumber, a wagon and spectators, and high water beside the street.
A dim snapshot of some of the equipment used to repair the Kaw River bridge after the 1903 flood.
1992.145.010 A large crowd of people and several one-horse carriages on the south bank of the river waiting for the ferry provided by the U.S. Engineers from Ft. Leavenworth. It was in operation for 24 days and carried over 25,000 passengers, 2000…
The view is looking down a road that is covered with water, branches, and other debris. At right is a building with a sign "Buy Your Clothing at the Palace." This is the aftermath of the 1903 flood in Lawrence, KS. The photograph is from a…
1976.1014 The view is of turbulent flood waters in North Lawrence. Downtown South Lawrence buildings visible, left background. This is the aftermath of the 1903 flood in Lawrence, KS. The photograph is made from a glass-plate negative.
Kansas River floodwaters toward North Lawrence. Bridge, partially washed out at right.
1976.1020 View across the Kaw floodwaters toward downtown Lawrence. Branches and other debris is in the foreground. There is a small grocery store at right."Looking south from the Union Pacific Depot."
1976.1474 Image of debris from 1903 flood of Kansas River, trees and washed-out earth with several broken houses.
The register contains the name, title, department, residence, KU phone, and residential phone of the officers, faculty, employees, and students of the University of Kansas.
The register contains the name, title, department, residence, KU phone, and residential phone of the officers, faculty, employees, and students of the University of Kansas.
The register contains the name, title, department, residence, KU phone, and residential phone of the officers, faculty, employees, and students of the University of Kansas.
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